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The role of quality control in the manufacturing

The Role of Quality Control in Manufacturing


Definition of Quality Control

The process of quality control relies on adhering strictly to standards, specifications, and best practices to ensure the delivery of defect-free products. Quality Control is an important process during and after production. The final quality of the product depends upon the strictness of the quality control process followed by the company. 

Quality control includes inspection of products during production, before and after production. There are many tools available for the quality control process i.e. Total Quality Management, Six Sigma, Lean Production, Check sheet, Control Chart, Histogram, Pareto Chart, etc. 

Importance of Quality Control in Manufacturing

Quality Control ensures that the product we are producing is up to the quality standards described by the customer. It is important in manufacturing for the following reasons:

  • Improve the safety of the people working in the company due to fewer defects in the parts or products and better standards followed by the company.
  • The company is decreasing its liability because it is producing better parts and requiring less rework for the final product. The cost of rework and rejection hammers the profits and reputation of the company.
  • Quality control helps companies to reduce waste by minimizing the rejection rate.
  • It improves the branding and reputation of the company.
  • Quality standards being maintained consistently make customers loyal to the brand.

The Basics of Quality Control

Understanding Quality Standards

Quality standards encompass rules, guidelines, specifications, and systems utilized to ensure the delivery of a quality product to the end consumer. Companies use ISO standards as quality standards for various purposes. ISO 9000 & 9001 are used for Quality management. ISO 14000 & 14001 are used for Environmental Management and ISO 22000 is used for Food Safety.

Organizations use quality standards to achieve the following objectives:

  • To satisfy the customer’s quality requirement 
  • To ensure the safety of their product
  • To comply with the government regulations
  • To ensure compliance with environmental regulations.
  • To ensure the product quality is consistent

Types of Quality Control:

  1. Process control: Process control involves monitoring and managing the production process to ensure consistency and adherence to quality standards. It focuses on parameters such as temperature, pressure, and time to maintain optimal conditions and minimize variability in output.
  2. Acceptance Sampling: Acceptance sampling involves inspecting a sample of products from a batch or lot to determine whether the entire batch meets predefined quality criteria. It involves randomly selecting items from the batch and assessing them against specified standards to make decisions about accepting or rejecting the entire batch.
  3. Control Chart: A control chart is a graphical tool to monitor process performance over time. It displays data points such as measurements or observations plotted against control limits, representing acceptable variation. Control charts help identify trends, patterns, and deviations from expected performance, enabling timely adjustments and corrective actions.
  4. Product Quality Control: Product quality control involves inspecting and testing finished products to ensure they meet quality specifications and customer requirements. It includes visual inspections, dimensional measurements, functional tests, and other evaluations to identify defects or deviations from standards before products are released to customers.

Key Components of Quality Control

Inspection and Testing Procedures

Quality control involves implementing thorough inspection and testing procedures to assess the quality of materials, components, and finished products. These procedures help identify defects, deviations from standards, and areas for improvement throughout the manufacturing process.

Documentation and Record-Keeping

Maintaining accurate documentation and records is essential in quality control. This includes documenting inspection results, test data, corrective actions taken, and other relevant information. Proper documentation provides a historical record of quality performance, facilitates traceability, and supports compliance with regulatory requirements.

Employee Training and Skill Development

Quality control relies on well-trained and skilled employees who understand quality standards, procedures, and best practices. Providing comprehensive training programs and opportunities for skill development ensures that employees have the knowledge and capabilities to perform their roles effectively and contribute to maintaining high-quality standards.

Continuous Improvement Initiatives

Continuous improvement is a fundamental aspect of quality control. It involves regularly evaluating processes, identifying areas for enhancement, and implementing corrective actions to drive ongoing improvement in product quality, efficiency, and customer satisfaction. Through initiatives such as lean manufacturing, Six Sigma, and Kaizen, organizations strive for continuous refinement and optimization of their quality control processes.

Quality Control Tools and Techniques

Statistical Process Control (SPC)

Statistical process control (SPC) is a method used in manufacturing and service industries to monitor and control processes. It involves using statistical techniques to analyze and understand variation in processes and to identify and reduce sources of variation that can lead to defects or errors.

Key Components of SPC:

  1. Data collection
  2. Control Chart
  3. Statistical Analysis
  4. Process Improvement
  5. Continuous Improvement and Monitoring

Six Sigma Methodology

Six Sigma is a systematic and data-driven approach to process improvement that aims to eliminate defects and reduce variation in manufacturing, service delivery, and business processes. Originally developed by Motorola in the 1980s, Six Sigma has since been adopted by many organizations across various industries.

The term “Six Sigma” refers to a statistical measure of process performance that equates to 3.4 defects per million opportunities. The goal of Six Sigma initiatives is to achieve this level of performance by focusing on understanding and improving processes to minimize defects and variation.

Key Principles and Components of Six Sigma(DMAIC)

  1. Define: Clearly define the problem or opportunity to improve
  2. Measure: Measure the current performance of the process
  3. Analyze: Analyze the data to identify the root cause of the defect or variation
  4. Improve: Implement solutions and process changes aimed at reducing defects and variations
  5. Control: Establish control and monitoring mechanisms to sustain the improvement achieved.

Failure Mode and Effects Analysis (FMEA)

Failure Mode and Effect Analysis (FMEA) is a systematic quality control and risk management methodology to identify, prioritize, and mitigate potential failures or defects in a product, process, or system. FMEA is widely used across various industries including manufacturing, healthcare, automotive, aerospace, and more.

The primary objectives of FMEA are:

  1. Identify the potential failure modes
  2. Assess the potential effects of failure
  3. Prioritise risk
  4. Develop Mitigation strategy: To prevent or minimize the occurrence of potential failures and their associated effects

The FMEA process typically involves the following steps:

  1. Define the scope: Clearly define the scope and boundaries of the analysis, including the product, process, or system being evaluated
  2. Identify failure modes: Identify all possible failure modes that could occur within the scope of analysis.
  3. Determine the potential effects: For each failure mode, assess the potential consequences on product quality, safety, reliability, and customer satisfaction. 
  4. Assign severity, occurrence, and detection ratings: Rate the severity of the potential effect, the likelihood of the occurrence of the failure modes, and the effectiveness of the current detection methods
  5. Calculate risk priority numbers(RPN): Calculate the Risk Priority Number (RPN) for each failure mode by multiplying the severity, occurrence, and detection ratings. 
  6. Develop an action plan: Based on the RPN value, prioritize the failure mode with the highest risk and develop an action plan to eliminate the risk. 
  7. Implement and monitor controls: Implement the recommended action plan and controls to reduce the likelihood failure. 

Total Quality Management (TQM)

Total Quality Management (TQM) is a management philosophy and approach that focuses on continuous improvement of product and process quality, customer satisfaction, and organizational performance. 

In the context of manufacturing, TQM emphasizes the involvement of all employees in the pursuit of quality excellence and the integration of quality principles throughout the entire production process.

Key principles and components of Total Quality Management (TQM):

  1. Customer focus: Understanding and meeting the customer’s demand is the center of the TQM.
  2. Continuous improvement: TQM emphasizes the importance of ongoing improvement in all aspects of manufacturing processes. 
  3. Employee involvement and empowerment: TQM recognizes that quality is everyone’s responsibility within the organization. Employees at all levels are encouraged to actively participate in quality improvement efforts, share ideas for process enhancements, and take ownership of quality outcomes.
  4. Process management: This involves identifying key processes, establishing process metrics, monitoring performance, and implementing controls to ensure quality standards are met.
  5. Supplier relationship: Building strong relationships with suppliers, collaborating on quality improvement initiatives, and ensuring the quality of incoming materials and components are integral aspects of TQM.
  6. Data-driven relationship: TQM relies on data and measurement to drive decision-making and process improvement efforts.
  7. Leadership commitment: Successful implementation of TQM requires strong leadership commitment and support.

Lean Manufacturing Principles

Lean manufacturing comprises a production system grounded in the principles of reducing waste, enhancing customer value, and pursuing continuous process improvement. Initially introduced within the Toyota production system (TPS), it transformed the company’s manufacturing processes and has since gained global adoption. Lean manufacturing focuses on applying lean principles, techniques, and tools to streamline manufacturing cycles, eliminating inefficiencies and optimizing resource utilization. This approach has revolutionized production systems worldwide, leading to increased efficiency, improved quality, and enhanced customer satisfaction.

Check Sheet

A check sheet constitutes a fundamental tool utilized in quality control systems within manufacturing processes. It serves as a simple yet effective method for collecting and organizing data related to quality characteristics, defects, or other important parameters during production.

The primary purpose of a check sheet is to facilitate systematic data collection and analysis, enabling operators and quality personnel to track and monitor key aspects of the manufacturing process in real time. You can customize check sheets to match specific quality control requirements, addressing various areas like defect types, defect locations, machine downtime, material usage, or process variables.

The structure of a check sheet typically consists of a table or grid format with predefined categories or criteria relevant to the quality control objectives. Operators or inspectors use the check sheet to record observations or measurements as they occur during production. This could entail marking checkboxes, tallying occurrences, or inputting numerical values, depending on the nature of the collected data.


A histogram is a graphical representation of numerical data frequency, utilizing rectangles to depict distribution. The height of each rectangle, positioned along the vertical axis, corresponds to the frequency of occurrence for a specific variable. Essentially, histograms visualize how often each variable appears, with taller rectangles indicating higher frequencies within the dataset.


In conclusion, quality control is essential in manufacturing to ensure defect-free products and meet customer expectations. Through standards adherence, meticulous inspection, and tools like Six Sigma and Lean principles, organizations optimize processes, reduce waste, and enhance product quality. Emphasizing employee involvement and data-driven decision-making, companies foster a culture of continuous improvement. By integrating quality into every aspect of operations, manufacturers uphold their reputation, drive innovation, and deliver superior products to the market.

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