Product Development Services

Manufast also provides Product development services which mean assisting businesses in the process of creating new products. These services can include concept development, design, prototyping, testing, and manufacturing. We help businesses refine their ideas and bring them to life, ensuring that the final product meets the needs of the target market. Product development services can add value to businesses by reducing costs and time, improving efficiency, and expanding market share. We provide expertise and specialized resources that can be difficult or expensive to obtain in-house, making us a valuable partner for businesses of all sizes.

1. Idea Validation

Whenever you have an idea, it doesn’t mean that practically it is possible to develop it. You need to validate your idea by asking some questions to yourself. It will confirm you to go forward or drop it. Idea Validation is the process of testing and validating a business idea to determine its viability and potential for success. It involves conducting market research, analyzing the competition, and gathering feedback from potential customers to determine if the idea is worth pursuing. Idea validation helps entrepreneurs avoid wasting time and resources on ideas that are unlikely to succeed, and instead focus on ideas that have a higher chance of success. By validating an idea before investing significant resources, entrepreneurs can increase their chances of success and reduce the risk of failure. The process can result in a refined product, less wasted resources, and more focused marketing and business development strategies.

2. Minimum viable product design

Minimum viable product design is a product development strategy that focuses on creating a basic version of a product with just enough features to satisfy early customers and gather feedback for future development. It involves identifying the core features that are essential to the product’s functionality and creating a prototype that can be tested and refined based on user feedback. The goal is to minimize development time and costs while still delivering a product that meets the needs of early adopters. The concept was popularized by Eric Ries in his book ‘The Lean Startup’.

3. Manufacturing and Assembly

Manufacturing and assembly are two critical processes that are essential in the production of goods. It involves creating individual parts or components that will be used to assemble the final product, which could be a car, a computer, or any other consumer good. Assembly, on the other hand, involves putting the parts together to create the finished product. The manufacturing process uses specialized equipment, which could be manual or automated, to produce the parts using techniques such as casting, forging, and machining. Meanwhile, assembly involves welding, fastening, or gluing the parts together to create the final product. Both processes are essential, and they require precision, accuracy, and attention to detail to ensure that the final product meets the desired specifications.

4. Batch production

After successful testing, the machine is ready to be manufactured in batches. Manufacturing and assembly are two critical processes that are essential in the production of goods. It involves creating individual parts or components that will be used to assemble the final product, which could be a car, a computer, or any other consumer good. Assembly, on the other hand, involves putting the parts together to create the finished product. The manufacturing process uses specialized equipment, which could be manual or automated, to produce the parts using techniques such as casting, forging, and machining. Meanwhile, assembly involves welding, fastening, or gluing the parts together to create the final product. Both processes are essential, and they require precision, accuracy, and attention to detail to ensure that the final product meets the desired specifications.

MANUFAST's Product Development Process

Manufast Product Development process

Do you have an IDEA?

Other Services

Design and Analysis

Do you have an idea? Or Do you have any ideas of machines/mechanisms that you want to design? We will help you out. Our experienced design team with required tools can make your life much easier.

What is prototyping? What is rapid prototyping? 3D printing.


Having a great idea is not enough. If you didn’t test your idea or didn’t validate your idea with a minimum viable product then you are missing something. So we are here to help you with our service.

Reverse Engineering Image.

Reverse Engineering

Reverse engineering is the act of dismantling an object to see how it works. It is done primarily to analyze and gain information about how something works but often is used to duplicate or enhance the object.